1. Evenn or odd

  2. Largest Among three Numbers

  3. Read any digit from 1-10 and display in word.

  4. Smallest among two Numbers

  5. Get average and rank it as shown: average grade
    1 0-39 Fail
    2 40-69 good
    3 70-80 Very good
    4 81-100 Excellent
  6. A. Asks a student if he/she is full-time or part-time.
    B. If the student is full-time, the program will ask for the student's major and print the input for major followed by "is a good major" to the screen. If the student is not full-time, the program will ask the student how many credits he/she is taking. If the student is taking more than 6 credits, the program will print "That is a lot for a part-time student" to the screen. If the student is taking 6 or less credits, the program will print "That is nice" to the screen.
    see code

  7. Program to accept the height of a person in centimeter and categorize the person according to their height using the following information

    Height category
    0-1 m drawf
    1 - 1.5 m Normal
    >1.5m Tall
  8. program to read marks of three subjects and show the division as shown:

    Percentage Grade
    80-100 First
    70-80 Second
    50-70 Third
    0-50 Fail
  9. Menu-driven Calculator

  10. check whether triangle is equilateral, scalene or isosceles

  11. Write a Program to determine eligibility of an applicant for teacher interview using the criteria shown in table below. The program should ask the name and gender of the applicant and display the results as “Congratulation Mr. or Ms. XXX, you are eligible for the interview” or “Sorry Mr. or Ms. XXX, you are not eligible for the interview”. Mr. or Ms. is displayed according to the gender provided by the user and XXX is the name entered from user keyboard

    Criteria Value
    age more than 18
    height more than 1.5 meters
    experience more than 3 years

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